Online Safety
Recently we have received some information from other schools about some apps that have caused concern. The app ‘’ can be used for group chats and it is easy for others – unknown to the children – to join the chats and be seen on screen. This is linked to the app ‘’. We have informed you in the past about ‘ooVoo’ where children cannot control who is invited and accepted into group chats. Be aware that apps which are designed for another task can include an option for group chat which may not have strict safety controls on it. It is strongly recommended that adults monitor children’s online activity. Children should not be spending long periods of time on the internet without adult supervision. Please remind children that if they see or hear anything online that makes them uncomfortable or scared, they should tell you straight away. If you are concerned about your child’s safety you should report this to the police using 111.
The NSPCC and O2 have set up an ‘Online Safety Helpline’ – 0808 8005002 or visit This has lots of information about keeping children safe online and you can get information and advice about a range of apps and their suitability for children. You can type in the name of an app and lots of information about it will appear.
The CEOP resources can be very helpful.
Please look at our 'Digital Parenting' page for more information.