What is PSHE?
PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economic education.
Most of PSHE within the Primary school became statutory in 2020 with the introduction of compulsory Relationships Education in all primary schools. Health Education (both mental and physical) became statutory from key stages 1 to 4 within the Children and Social Work Act. (PSHE association)
At Swinnow Primary PSHE and RSE are at the heart of all we do and a critical part of Primary education. The PSHE association say that the purpose of PSHE is to 'help keep children and young people safe, mentally and physically healthy and prepared for life and work'.
PSHE and RSE are part of the wider personal development of our pupils including our pupil leaders, extra activities and community links.
At Swinnow Primary our aim is to prepare pupils adequately for adult life: its decisions, responsibilities, experiences and opportunities, and to allow pupils to develop fully as emotional mature citizens.
We aim to promote children’s knowledge, self esteem, emotional wellbeing and resilience, and to help them to form and maintain worthwhile, positive relationships. Children will be taught to have respect for themselves, and for others, within our local, national and global communities
We aim to enable children to develop a deepening knowledge of their health and wellbeing, including their mental and physical health. We aim to equip children and young people with information, skills and values to understand and to be able to cope with the physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty. The information provided will be relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.

Kapow Primary’s RSE/PSHE scheme of work covers the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance (as set out by the Department for Education), including the non-statutory sex education.
The teaching blocks through Kapow are
The scheme also promotes the four fundamental British values which reflect life in modern Britain: Democracy; Rule of Law; Respect & Tolerance and Individual Liberty and also equips pupils with knowledge of equality and understanding of protected characteristics
The scheme also takes into account the non statutory guidance for schools 'Teaching online safety in schools'.
Click to view the PSHE and RSE overview for each year group.
PSHE news
Economic Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing
Useful websites
Click on any of the pictures below to check out some really useful websites to support PSHE learning.
Dealing with feelings and emotions
Children's sadness can be disguised as:
- Anger — an annoyance with the world or elements in it (e.g., "This stupid remote doesn't work!")
- Resistance — refusing to go along with the "new order," trying to get power and control in a world that feels out of control (e.g., "I'm not doing four math pages; I'm only doing one!")
- Displaced frustration — being frustrated at the situation (e.g., social distancing), but taking it out on something entirely different (e.g., yelling about a bedtime, yelling at a sibling, yelling about what they're having for dinner)
- Roughhousing — taking out feelings in a physical way (e.g., pile on top during a football game)
- Boredom — saying "I'm bored" (often code for "I'm sad")
- Numbness — checking out, wanting to sleep or zone out to TV, wanting to "veg out" on electronics or otherwise ("I don't want to go for a walk! I'm tired!")
How to cope with tantrums - NSPCC guide and information
Childline Calm Zone - click to enter -lots of activities, videos and links
Physical Health and Well being
Eating well
Eating well can be hard - we are more likely to snack or eat more when we are at home e.g. during the school holiday and we are possibly less active, take a look at the tips on this 'mindful eating' poster or click the link for some health lunchbox ideas.
Sleep is good for mental and physical health so trying to maintain a bedtime routine should be positive, both for children and adult.
The school nurse and health visiting team have a wealth of advice and support
Please click the link above for their offer and contact numbers
Dental hygiene
If you think you need urgent dental treatment:
- call your dentist
- use the 111 online service if you cannot contact your dentist or you do not have one
Find out how to get medical help from home
Keeping safe and Managing risk
Online safety - please ensure you are checking and ensuring your child is safe whilst accessing the internet.
Click below for further information
First aid
If you or your child are unwell please use the NHS 111 online or telephone service
If you or your child have an accident that requires medical attention please do so either via NHS 111 or Accident and emergency