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Summer Term 2023-24 News

Summer Activities
Child Friendly Leeds Wish 7 is that children and young people know about different things to do and places to go across the city. That children enjoy different cultural experiences including art, music, sport and film. In preparation for the summer holidays, they have created a newsletter which shares a range of free and low cost activities. I've attached it here.
Pudsey Cluster have produced the following guides:
STARs Parent Workshops 2024-25

Click here to see the attached flyer that details all the parent workshops STARs are offering in 2024-25.
The workshops are free to any parent or carer of children and young people living in Leeds who are autistic or who are believed to be neurodivergent. The workshops are delivered on Microsoft Teams.

I can't recommend these sessions enough!

SEND parent / carer coffee morning

On Tuesday 11th June we will be holding our termly ‘cuppa and a catchup’ session for parents/carers in school whose children have additional needs.
A representative from SCOPE will be attending to share information about activities for children in Leeds.
As always, Our SEND Governor Kelly Fowler will join us too! It is open to any parent/carer who wishes to attend and is simply an informal get together with a 'brew and a biccy'.
It will be in the downstairs hall from 9.15am – please enter via the downstairs hall fire doors.

SCOPE: Let's explore activities in Leeds event

Click here for furter details about SCOPE's nformation and networking day for parents/carers of disabled children to be held on:

Wednesday 19th June 2024 10am-1pm @ Leeds Mencap The Vinery Centre, Leeds, LS9 9LU 

Leeds SEND event 2024: working in partnership with parents and carers

Tuesday 9 July 2024
10am till 1pm
at Headingley Stadium, St Michaels Lane, Leeds, LS6 3BR

An event for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND) to hear from senior leaders in education, health and social care about we have learnt from family feedback and our plans for improving SEND services in Leeds.

Click here for further information and details of how to book your place. 


Leeds Local Offer SEND Information Drop in

Click here to see details of the SEND Information drop-in sessions this term.  


Click here to see details of Leeds SENDIASS events and workshops for this term. 

Spring Term 2023-24 News

Connect Together and Leeds SENDIASS

Parent / carer to a neurodivergent child? Click here to see a leaflet about sessions Connect Together and the Leeds SENDIASS team are running soon.  

Leeds Local Offer Live Event

The Leeds Local Offer Live event is a market place event that provides families an opportunity to speak to and find out about a wide range of SEND services in Leeds.

The event takes place in March every year.

The 2024 event will take place on Thursday 21st March 2024, 10am till 2pm (drop in) at Pudsey Civic Hall.

At this years’ event you will also have the opportunity to attend workshop sessions:

  • A graduated approach (education)
  • Child Health and Disability Service (social care)
  • Mental health and services available in Leeds (health)

Book your free event ticket here: event ticket booking

SENDIASS Information Videos

The information videos are short, narrated videos aiming to give parents and carers information and advice about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) processes. 

You can view all Leeds SENDIASS information videos by following this link to the Leeds SENDIASS You Tube Channel:   Leeds SENDIASS YouTube

Leeds SENDIASS information videos include these key topics:

SEND Support in Schools, Emotional Based School Avoidance, SEND Transport and SEND Funding (FFI), Moving Schools and through Education (transitions), Preparing for Adulthood (PfA), Education Health and Care Needs Assessment, Specialist Schools settings and provisions, Decision to Assess next Steps, Education Health and Care Plan Reviews, EHCP Refusal to Assess Appeals , Section I placement Appeals, EHCP Contents Appeals, Mediation for SEND Appeals, Appeals and Mediation. 

'Coffee and cake' with MindMate Support Team

On Wednesday 17th January from 2.15pm we will be holding a 'coffee and cake' afternoon in school. Members of the MindMate Support Team (who will be working with school this year) will deliver an informative parent / carer workshop on children's mental health awareness with a focus on anxiety. We encourage as many parents to come along as possible. This event will take place in the downstairs hall - please enter school via the downstair's hall fire doors (Children's Centre Car Park).
Please give the post a like if you think you might come along. We look forward to seeing you there!

SEND Information drop-in for parents and carers

The SEND information drop in is an opportunity for parents and carers to speak to services and receive information and advice about SEND services in Leeds.

Services available at the drop in:

  • Leeds Local Offer
  • Scope
  • Leeds Parent Carer Forum

 Session dates:

10.30 till 12.30 at Leeds Central Library

  • 31st January 2024
  • 28th February 2024
  • 27th March 2024
  • 24th April 2024

No need to book.
If you have any questions please contact LLO@leeds.gov.uk

Autum Term 2023-24 News


Please click here to see attached details of the free SEND workshops Scope are offering in November. These are delivered via Zoom. 

The Sleep Charity 

The Sleep Charity has launced a wonderful free resouce - The National Sleep Helpline -  that offers help for parents and children to learn more about their sleep and develop better bedtime routines. Click here to see their flyer. 

SEND parent / carer coffee morning

On Wednesday 8th November we will be holding our termly ‘cuppa and a catchup’ session for parents/carers in school whose children have additional needs.
A representative from the local authority will be coming along to share information about the Leeds Local Offer.
As always, Our SEND Governor Kelly Fowler will join us too! It is open to any parent/carer who wishes to attend and is simply an informal get together with a 'brew and a biccy'.
It will be in the downstairs hall from 9.15am – please enter via the downstairs hall fire doors.

ADHD Awareness Month - October 2023

To raise awareness of ADHD I will be delivering a special assembly to children in Y1-Y6 on Mon 9th October 2023. The children will be taksed with the challenge of finding out about any famous people or any of their family members who have a diagnosis of ADHD. Some classes will be doing specific work around Neurodiversity for our school display - take a look at this at Parents' Evening. 

STARs drop-in training sessions 2023-24

Click here to see a list of free training sessions that STARs will be running for paretns/carers this academic year. The sessions will be via Zoom.

SEND information drop-in for parents and carers

Click here for details of this free event where you can speak to services and receive information and advice about SEND services in Leeds including:

- Leeds Local Offer


- Scope

- Leeds Parent Carer Froum

Summer Term 2023 News

STARs Drop-in Workshops 2023-24

Click here for details of the STARs drop-in workshops (free of charge) for next academic year. Details of how to book a place on any of their sessions are on the attachment.

Leeds Local Offer

Join the Leeds Local Offer Facebook Group!

The Leeds Local Offer Facebook page is a way of them communicating service updates, events and other key information direct with parents, carers and professionals.

The Leeds Local Offer Facebook group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/leedslocaloffer

Leeds Parent Carer Forum

The Leeds PCF (Parent Carer Forum) is led by local parents working to represent the views of parents and carers of children and young people with SEND while working in partnership with the Local Authority Education, Health & Care services to make a positive difference for children and families in Leeds.

Parents, carers and professionals can register with the Leeds Parent Carer Forum to receive updates on the work they are doing, information about events and share views to help the forum make a difference for children and families with special educational needs and disabilities across Leeds.

Register here: https://www.leedsparentcarerforum.co.uk/register-with-us/

For more information about the Leeds Parent Carer Forum visit www.leedsparentcarerforum.co.uk or email info@leedsparentcarerforum.co.uk

Leeds Mencap

Leeds Mencap will be running activity days and trips during the 6-week summer holidays for children and young people aged 7-13 years old who have a sibling with additional needs/disabilities.


31st July to 4th August


29th August to 1st September

Families will need to fill in a short registration form and a booking form which can be filled out online via their website: https://www.leedsmencap.org.uk/what-we-offer/groups-and-activities/siblings-group/

 For more information email activities@leedsmencap.org.uk.

MindMate Neurodiversity Hub

The MindMate Neurodiversity Hub is a one-stop support resource for neurodivergent children, young people and their families and carers in Leeds. For more information click here.

Leeds SENDIASS - drop-in sessions

Click here to view the leaflet from Leeds SENDIASS which includes details of their upcoming drop-in sessions.

Spring Term 2023 News

Leeds SENDIASS - virtual information sessions

Click here to view the leaflet from Leeds SENDIASS which includes details of their virtual information sessions on offer in April / May to parents/carers of children with SEND. To book a place on any of the sessions, follow the link below:


World Autism Awareness Day 2023

On Sunday 2nd April it is World Autism Awareness Day. This week in class, the children will be learning more about Autism in order to increase their awareness and acceptance around the condition. For your information, here are the PowerPoints they may be looking at! 

KS1 Autism Awareness and Acceptance PPT

KS2 Autism Awareness and Acceptance PPT

Wear Purple for Epilepsy Day

On Friday 24th March we will be turning school purpe to raise awareness of Epilepsy. Children are invited to come to school wearing purple and bring a small donation to the Daisy Garland Charity. The Daisy Garland Charity support children with Epilepsy in the UK and their families - it's a great cause and we're thrilled to be offering our support! Click here for a PowerPoint that will give you further information about Epilepsy. 

Neurodiversity Celebration Week - 13th 19th March 2023
This week is 'Neurodiversity Celebration' Week. Please click here for a useful and interesting presentation all about different neurodiverse conditions. Feel free to browse this for your own information or share it with your child!

Leeds SENDIASS - virtual information sessions

Click here to view the leaflet from Leeds SENDIASS which includes details of their virtual information sessions on offer in Feb / March to parents/carers of children with SEND. To book a place on any of the sessions, follow the link below:


Leeds Local Offer - update

Everytime I mention the Leeds Local Offer, are you left wondering what I'm talking about? If so, here is a link to a short video that explains exactly what it is:


Following feedback from families they have developed a ‘new to SEND’ section on the Leeds Local Offer website https://leedslocaloffer.org.uk/#!/search/list?query=New2SEND&exact=1

The section includes information about:

What is SEND and identifying if your child has
About the Leeds Local Offer
Support Groups
Help from your child’s school
Early Helps
Short Breaks
Health providers in Leeds
Child health and disability occupational therapy
Financial support

Join the Leeds Local Offer Facebook Group

The Leeds Local Offer facebook page is a way of us communicating service updates, events and other key information direct with parents, carers and professionals.

The Leeds Local Offer facebook group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/leedslocaloffer

Leeds Local Offer Live

This event is taking place on Tuesday 28th March 2023, 10am - 2pm (drop-in) at Pudsey Civic Hall.  

Leeds Local Offer Live is a market place event that provides families with the opportunity to find out about services available to them in Leeds. At this year’s event there will be an hours workshop for families  “Supporting SEND in Leeds at every stage”

 You can book onto the workshop when confirming your attendance at the event. To confirm your attendance at the event please visit https://tinyurl.com/LLOLive23  

MindMate Neurodiversity Hub

The MindMate Neurodiversity Hub is a really useful resource for parents and carers in Leeds and anyone else wanting information about Autism and ADHD, including what support is on offer for children, young people and their families. This is for those with or without formal diagnoses. 

Click here to visit their website. 

Autumn Term 2022-23 News

The Storymaker's Apprentice - Relaxed Performance

Click here for a poster with further details about a Relaxed Performance of a magical, family festive show that is coming to Leeds this festive season.
A Relaxed Performance has a more informal atmosphere particularly aimed to welcome those with sensory sensitivities and autism. Performances remain the same but with small adjustments, e.g. the house lights will remain on, loud noises are softened, and audience members are free to leave and re-enter.
The Relaxed Performance will take place on Thursday 29th December at 1:30pm, at Leeds Central Library in Room 700.

Autism Support 

Click here for a guide produced by the NHS to services and activities provided by local organisations that may be useful for parents / carers of children on an Autism pathway. 

Parent / carer support

Click here a for comprehensive list of links to useful resources and websites that may provide support as a parent / carer in Leeds, particularly if you are a parent / carer of a child with additional needs.

Leeds Local Offer for SEND

The Leeds Local Offer is a way of providing information to families with children with special educational
needs and disabilities (SEND) 0 to 25 years old in Leeds.

Their website is well worth a look. Here is the address:


Parents Connect

Parents Connect sessions for parents of disabled children and those with additional needs, are taking place after October half-term in Bramley and Headingley.

  • Parents Connect is a parent-led service, providing support and information to parents of disabled children and those with additional needs
  • The sessions run for 6 weeks, parents can meet and discuss life as a parent to a child with needs
  • For parents of children 0-18
  • No diagnosis needed
  • No professional referral needed

 Click here for the Bramley session dates and times and click here for the Headingley session dates and times .

SENDIASS Workshops

Click here for further details of the SENDIASS Workshops taking place this term.